Research themes

At the heart of what we do, our mission is to nurture the passion that drives the GP training sector.

To do this, we explore opportunities to facilitate and improve the wellbeing and satisfaction of those involved in GP training through evidenced-based research. We achieve impact through the provision of targeted support to overcome barriers and facilitate enablers in GP training, with the goal of fostering and enhancing connections to improve wellbeing and satisfaction.

Current project – Pastoral Care for Registrar Placements

Those involved in GP training often wear many different hats: among these is the nebulous role of pastoral carer to support the wellbeing of GP registrars. Having examined your experiences as providers and recipients of wellbeing support, and analysed this data, we are now in the process of identifying strategies for improving guidance regarding the scope and responsibilities associated with this role.

This study was approved by the Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee (project number 35523).

Findings thus far were presented as a poster at the WONCA World Family Medicine Conference in October 2023.


According to GPSA’s national survey of its members, GP supervisors who feel well-supported in their workplace, avoid working when unwell, and practise self-care have lower levels of burnout and are more likely to remain in GP training for the next 5 years.

GPSA surveyed GP supervisors in March-April 2022 and found that over 70% of GP supervisors had high levels of burnout, which was associated with lower levels of engagement in selfcare activities (including professional support, professional development, life balance, cognitive awareness, and daily balance). Younger GP supervisors were at greater risk of burnout.

Working while unwell and the belief that selfcare/wellbeing could be better supported in the workplace predicted high levels of burnout. In contrast, GP supervisors who intended to supervise for the next 5 years and were engaged in professional development were much less likely to experience burnout.

Read Full Report

Date reviewed: 27 August 2024

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