Consultation! Resources and References

 Clinical Knowledge

NameReferenceGPSA Resource/s
AliceRCH Guidelines: Enuresis – Bed wetting and Monosymptomatic Enuresis. 2019Teaching Plan: Nocturnal enuresis
Ammar.Best LMJ et al. Non‐invasive diagnostic tests for Helicobacter pylori infection. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018;3.

StatPearls: Urea Breath Test. 2022.
AsheTG Antibiotic: Otitis externa. 2021
AydinJiwrajka M et al. Review and update of benign prostatic hyperplasia in general practice. AJGP 2018;47(7).Teaching Plan: Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)
BarryLeung ES et al. Transient ischaemic attacks Assessment and management. AFP 2010;39(11).Teaching Plan: Transient ischaemic attack (TIA) and stroke
BrianKelly G et al. The non-healing leg ulcer: A logical approach. AJGP 2024;53(1-2).Teaching Plan: Leg ulcers
CarmelHelton MR. Diagnosis and Management of Common Types of Supraventricular Tachycardia. Am Fam Physician. 2015;92(9).
ChloeAustralian STI guidelines: Pelvic inflammatory diseases (PID). 2024.Teaching Plan: Sexually transmitted infections

Webinar: Teaching your registrar about STI Management – What’s new?

Podcast: Teaching Your Registrar About STI Management
CisjaChin KS. Pathophysiology of dementia. AJGP 2023;52(8).>br>
RACGP aged care clinical guide (Silver Book). Part A – dementia. 2023.
Teaching Plan: Dementia – diagnosis
Resource kit: Dementia
DakilaRACGP Management of type 2 diabetes: A handbook for general practice. 2020.Teaching Plan: Diabetes mellitus – screening, diagnosis and assessment
DenzelKidney Health Australia: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Management in Primary Care. 2024.
ElinAustralian Cancer Council: Clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of melanoma v1.1. 2024.Teaching Plan: Pigmented skin lesions
FarhanaStatPearls: Patellofemoral Syndrome. 2023.Teaching Plan: Knee pain
FrancineRACGP Guideline: Prescribing drugs of dependence in general practice. 2022.Webinar: Teaching addiction medicine
GaryFinch A, Kubler P. The management of gout. Aust Prescr 2016;39.Teaching Plan: Gout
GinaZhong Z et al. A meta-analysis of effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors on blood pressure in depression treatment: outcomes from placebo and serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor controlled trials. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2017;13.Teaching Plan: Hypertension
GrantBMJ Best Practice: Degenerative cervical spine disease. 2024.Teaching Plan: Neck pain
HamshiLife in the fast lane: Digoxin Effect. 2022.
HughAshworth NL et al. Local corticosteroid injection versus placebo for carpal tunnel syndrome. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2023;2.Teaching Plan: Hand and wrist
IsobelChristensen K. Dysmenorrhea: An update on primary healthcare management. AJGP 2024;53(1-2).Teaching Plan: Endometriosis
Webinar: Endometriosis
JamieStatPearls: Acute Ankle Sprain. 2023.
JamieHamilton GS et al. Update on the assessment and investigation of adult obstructive sleep apnoea. AJGP 2019;48(4).
JaneSpurling GKP et al. Delayed antibiotic prescriptions for respiratory infections. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017;9.Teaching Plan: Acute bronchitis
Teaching Plan: Rational antibiotic prescribing
JaniceDermnet: Necrotising fasciitis. 2016.Teaching Plan: Cellulitis
JuleseTG Rheumatology: Polymyalgia rheumatica. 2017.Teaching Plan: Polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteritis
KaiAustralian Asthma Handbook: Diagnosing asthma in children. 2022.Teaching Plan: Asthma
KatieASCIA: Allergic Rhinitis Clinical Update. 2022.Teaching Plan: Allergic rhinitis
KobiQueensland Health: The “Red Flag” Early Intervention Referral Guide for children 0 – 5 years. 2010.Webinar: What to Teach Your Registrars About Behavioural Issues in Children
Podcast: What to Teach Your Registrars About Behavioural Issues in Children
LannCroker EE et al. Thyroid disease: Using diagnostic tools effectively. AJGP 2021;50(1-2).Teaching Plan: Thyroid disease
LesStatPearls: Gonococcal Arthritis. 2023.Teaching Plan: Acute monoarthritis
LowannaRoyal Womens Hospital: Infant Feeding – Breast and Nipple Thrush – Guideline. 2021.
MaggieStatPearls: Vestibular Neuronitis. 2023.Teaching Plan: Dizziness
ManojStatPearls: Weber Test. 2023.
ManueleTG Cardiovascular: Cardiac rehabilitation programs. 2023.
ManuelChew DP et al. National Heart Foundation of Australia & Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand: Australian Clinical Guidelines for the Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes 2016. Heart, Lung and Circulation 2016;25.Teaching Plan: Chest pain
MariaASCIA Guidelines: Acute Management of Anaphylaxis. 2023.
MeilianStatPearls: Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma. 2023.Teaching Plan: Red eye
MinDajti E et al. Systematic review with meta-analysis: Diagnostic performance of faecal calprotectin in distinguishing inflammatory bowel disease from irritable bowel syndrome in adults. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2023;58.Teaching Plan: Inflammatory bowel disease
Teaching Plan:text Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Mustafahttp://RACGP Guideline for the management of knee and hip osteoarthritis. 2018.Teaching Plan: Osteoarthritis
RaniGurgenci T et al. Screening for primary aldosteronism: How to adjust existing antihypertensive medications to avoid diagnostic errors. AJGP 2020;49(3).Teaching Plan: Hypertension teaching plan
RaymondAgostino JW et al. Cardiovascular disease risk assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults aged under 35 years: a consensus statement. MJA 2020;212(9).Teaching Plan: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Assessments
SeanDeGeorge KC et al. Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder in Adults. Am Fam Physician. 2022;106(2).Teaching Plan: Anxiety
SirishaMcKeon KP, Jiang SH. Treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus. Aust Prescr 2020;43.Teaching Plan: Polyarthritis
SofiaRCPA Manual: mean cell volume. 2024.
Taniahttp://Ray JC et al. The state of migraine: An update on current and emerging treatments. AJGP 2021;50(12).
eTG Neurology: Acute treatment for migraine with a triptan. 2019.
Teaching Plan: Headache
TeoRACGP Management of type 2 diabetes: A handbook for general practice. 2020.
VanStatPearls: Muscle Contraction Tension Headache. 2023.Teaching Plan: Headache
VladicHeart Foundation: Guideline for the diagnosis and management of hypertension in adults. 2016.Teaching Plan: Hypertension
YumiRANZCOG: Guideline for the Management of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy. 2014.Teaching Plan: Antenatal Care

 Consultation skills

NameConsultation Skill AreaKnowledge areaConsultation Skills ToolboxGPSA Resource/sOther Resources
AllieExplain managementNocturnal enuresisToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planningTeaching plan – Nocturnal enuresis
AllieExplain techniqueUTI – childUrine samples, RCH
AllieExplain inhaler useAsthma – salbutamolTeaching plan – Asthma
AllieSaying “no”Viral URTI – antibiotic stewardshipToolbox > Challenging Consultations > Saying noTeaching plan – Rational antibiotic prescribing
AndreaExplain diagnosisVenous ulcersToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planning > R2.23Teaching plan – Leg ulcers
AndreaSafety netRed eye – conjunctivitisToolbox > Consultation Skills > Follow up & safety nettingTeaching plan – Follow up and safety netting
AndreaExplain risk and benefitShingles vaccinationToolbox > Consultation Skills > Communicating riskTeaching plan – Immunisations
ChadExplain medication (commence)Hypertension – ACEiTeaching plan – Hypertension
ChadExplain diagnosisPolymyalgia rheumaticaToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planning > R2.23Teaching plan – Polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteritis
ChadExplain procedureOlecranon bursitisOlecranon Bursa Aspiration, StatPearls 2023
ChadExplain managementCellulitisToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planningTeaching plan – Cellulitis
ConExamine neckNeck lumpTeaching plan – Physical examinationTan E, Jaya J. An approach to neck masses in adults. AJGP 2020
ConExplain managementOsteoarthritisToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planningTeaching plan – Osteoarthritis
ConObtain history – alcoholAlcohol misuseToolbox > Challenging consultations > AlcoholTeaching plan – Health Education, Brief Intervention and Motivational Interviewing Consultation SkillsMacaulay S et al. Engaging patients who use alcohol and other drugs: A practical approach. AJGP 2023
DennyExplain medication (commence)Diabetes – metforminTeaching plan – Management of Type 2 Diabetes MellitusDiabetes Australia
DennyExplain managementOtitis externaToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planningDermnet: Otitis externa
DennyExplain test result & managementIron deficiencyToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planningBalendran S, Forsyth C. Non-anaemic iron deficiency. Aust Prescr 2021;44.
FarhanaExplain diagnosisBenign paroxysmal positional vertigoToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planning > R2.23Teaching plan – Dizziness
FarhanaExplain procedureAcute knee swellingStatPearls: Knee Arthrocentesis. 2024.
FarhanaExamine handsPolyarthritisTeaching plan – Physical examination
FarhanaExplain medication (cease)Depression – SSRIs
FaroukExplain test result & managementBowel cancer screeningToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planning
FaroukExamine handsCarpal tunnel syndromeTeaching plan – Physical examination
FaroukConsult specialistGiant cell arteritisTeaching plan – Polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteritis
FernExplain diagnosisAsthma – diagnosisToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planning > R2.23Teaching plan – Asthma
FernAssess suicide riskSuicide and self harmToolbox > Challenging Consultations > Mental health
FernObtain history – identityGender identityGuide – LGBTQIA+ Health and inclusive healthcare in general practice
JoseExplain diagnosisDiabetes – diagnosisToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planning > R2.23
JoseBreak bad newsPancreatic cancerToolbox > Challenging Consultations > Breaking bad news
JoseExamine shoulderShoulder painTeaching plan – Asthma
JosePreventive health – screeningBowel cancer screeningToolbox > Consultation Skills > Providing preventive health careTeaching plan – Preventative health and screening
LizExplain diagnosisPatellofemoral pain syndromeToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planning > R2.23
LizExplain diagnosisGoutToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planning > R2.23Teaching plan – Gout
LizBreak bad newsBreast cancerToolbox > Challenging Consultations > Breaking bad news
LorenzoExplain diagnosisBenign prostatic hyperplasiaToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planning > R2.23
LorenzoExplain procedurePigmented skin lesionsTeaching plan – Pigmented skin lesions
LorenzoExplain managementPigmented skin lesionsToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planningTeaching plan – Pigmented skin lesions
MaddieExplain investigationsCoeliac diseaseTeaching plan – Coeliac disease
MaddieExplain diagnosis & managementPityriasis roseaToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planning
MayExamine cervical spineNeck painTeaching plan – Asthma
MayTeaching plan – Neck pain
MayPreventive health – screeningPreventive health for Aboriginal peopleToolbox > Consultation Skills > Providing culturally safe careTeaching plan – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Assessments
MayObtain history – identityAboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander identityToolbox > Consultation Skills > Providing culturally safe careTeaching plan – Identifying Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status
MayExplain pathophysiologyMenopause
NathanExplain pathophysiologyAllergic rhinitis
NathanExamine elbowLateral epicondylitisTeaching plan – Asthma
NathanExplain techniqueSpirometry
NathanExplain medicationAcne
NellExplain examinationChild health check
NellSafety netBronchiolitisToolbox > Consultation Skills > Follow up & safety nettingTeaching plan – Follow up and safety netting
NellExplain diagnosisAtopic eczemaToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planning > R2.23
PadraigExplain diagnosisPerthes diseaseToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planning > R2.23
SabineManage angry patientAnkle fractureToolbox > Challenging consultations > Angry patient
SabineExplain medication (commence)Depression – SSRIs
SabineExplain techniqueAsthma – peak flow monitoringTeaching plan – Asthma
SabineExplain managementPregnancy – nausea and vomitingToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planning
SabineExplain diagnosisMiscarriageToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planning > R2.23
SophieDiscuss screeningSTIsToolbox > Challenging Consultations > Sexual healthTeaching plan – Sexually transmitted infections
SophieExplain medicationAnxiety – pharmacological management
SophieExplain diagnosisPsoriasisToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planning > R2.23
SophieExplain riskContraception – COCPToolbox > Consutlation Skills > Communicating riskTeaching plan – Contraception
TahliaCommunicate with adolescentsAdolescent healthToolbox > Challenging Consultations > Adolescent health
TahliaExplain confidentialityAdolescent healthToolbox > Challenging Consultations > Adolescent health
TahliaObtain history – sexualSTIsToolbox > Challenging Consultations > Sexual healthTeaching plan – Sexually transmitted infections
TeresaObtain history – headacheHeadacheToolbox > Consultation Skills > Gathering dataTeaching plan – History taking
TeresaDiscuss weightObesity
TeresaExplain investigationBreast lumpTeaching plan – Breast lumps
TimothySafety netGastroenteritisToolbox > Consultation Skills > Follow up & safety nettingTeaching plan – Follow up and safety netting
TimothyExplain diagnosisOsgood-Schlatter diseaseToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planning > R2.23
TonyObtain history – red eyeRed eyeToolbox > Consultation Skills > Gathering dataTeaching plan – History taking
TonyExplain diagnosisAnkylosing spondylitisToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planning > R2.23
TonyExplain managementSmoking cessationToolbox > Consultation Skills > Management planningTeaching plan – Smoking cessation and Teaching plan – Health Education, Brief Intervention and Motivational Interviewing Consultation Skills
TonyPreventive healthSTIsToolbox > Challenging Consultations > Sexual healthTeaching plan – Sexually transmitted infections

This table will be updated with more resources.

If you have suggestions for good resources please email them to

Date reviewed: 14 February 2025

Please note that while reasonable care is taken to provide accurate information at the time of creation, we frequently update content and links as needed. If you identify any inconsistencies or broken links, please let us know by email.
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