Registrar Examinations

Fellowship exam support

Preparation for fellowship examinations with RACGP and/or ACRRM can cause enormous stress for many registrars. As a supervisor, it is therefore essential to know how best to support your registrar, both educationally and in terms of pastoral care (stress and mental health).

Basic information on the examinations for each college can be found here:

Top tips to help your registrar prepare

  • Focus on skill development, not knowledge
  • Teach to your strengths
  • Consider non-clinical domains
  • Don’t get bogged down with the format – teach generic skills
  • Ask the registrar to document their reasoning in the notes
  • Ask the registrar to review the competency rubric and self-rate to prioritise learning needs
  • Use the GPSA guides and teaching plans
  • Understand what is being assessed
  • Undertake focussed practice-based teaching, including random case analysis (arguably the best way to help them with their exam preparation)
  • Monitor your registrar’s anxiety and stress
  • Provide pastoral care
  • Direct your registrar to appropriate clinical resources
  • Encourage your registrar to engage with exam preparation resources and activities and learn from their clinical exposure

Date reviewed: 05 September 2024

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