FAQ: Managing Patients impacted by Domestic Violence

GPSA has developed a great many resources through the unique lens of how to teach to complement the what to teach approach of training providers. Managing patients impacted by domestic violence is one topic that tests the very best and most experienced supervisor; the undisclosed life experiences of the supervisor and registrar themselves unavoidably shape the teaching and learning experience. Accordingly, rather than present a didactic solution, we have compiled here links to a number of resources including those we have developed to enable open and transparent discussions to help the registrar gain confidence in their management of patients in this context.

Safer Families promotes research and education in domestic abuse and violence, as a collaboration between University of Melbourne, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, LaTrobe University and South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute.

To promote early engagement of families experiencing domestic or family violence Build innovative, sustainable programs and tools for health practitioners to identify, respond and refer for safety and healing Undertake collaborative research to transform health policy and practice responses to domestic and family violence.   Through the Readiness Program, Safer Families provides online eModules and online training workshops, including whole-of-practice training and Train the Trainer programs to support you to support others.

The RACGP webinar series, in collaboration with Safer Families and Blue Knot, is a series of 90 minute webinars developed and delivered between 2021-2024. These are available live and recorded for viewing, complementing and delving deeper into chapters within the RACGP White Book.

RACGP – Family Violence GP Education Program funded by the Victorian RACGP Faculty*

The RACGP Victorian Family Violence Education Program Lunch and Learn series: 3rd Friday of every month from 12pm-1pm includes 1 hour of expert led de-identified case based discussion


* Note that the RACGP provides funding both to the Victorian RACGP Faculty, and Safer Families/Blue Knot to provide education in Abuse and Violence, so these resources are designed to complement each other.  The GP Specific interest group (SIG)  bimonthly meetings focus on more practical implementation and are also an opportunity in the later part of the meetings for the workings of the SIG, including consultancy and advocacy roles.

ACRRM’s Rural Doctors Family and Domestic Violence Education Package is an online Learning Module developed to strengthen the rural general practitioners’ capacity to address family violence within their community. 
This module is based on a series of clinically focused case-based discussions with emphasis on providing best practice responses at both the individual and the community level.
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Date reviewed: 15 February 2025

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