Why Should You Join GPSA

At GPSA, we understand just how special the general practice specialty is. More importantly, we recognise pre-vocational and registrar placements in well-supported, quality-focused training practices can be the difference between providing a community merely with access to healthcare and developing sustainable, high quality continuity of care.

As a member of GPSA, you are part of a very special community of practice. By contributing your voice to our regular discussions with sector stakeholders, to our research-backed policy statements and best practice educational resources, you can make a real difference.

We are always keen to talk to individuals with complementary skills and experience who are interested in assisting us in our goal of supporting supervisors and GP training practices across Australia. To participate in GPSA’s working groups and/or contribute to our development of best practice educational material, policy statements or other member resources, please email ceo@gpsa.org.au.

GPSA is supported by corporate sponsorships and Commonwealth funding under the Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program. This support enables us to undertake research to inform policy, advocacy, and the educational and employment resources we provide for our non-fee-paying members completely free.

Through the transition to College-Led Training and beyond, we will continue to represent the needs of supervisors, practice managers, practice owners and the wider teams who support GP training in and for the general practice clinical learning environment (GPCLE) . This includes consultation with members like you to negotiate the National Terms and Conditions for the Employment of Registrars (NTCER), working with stakeholders on your behalf, and inviting your participation in research to drive improvements for the sector. We have developed over 1,000 best practice resources and run highly relevant webinars and workshops throughout the year.

As well as advocacy, research and training, GPSA produces a newsletter every month, keeping members informed with the latest news and information, and invites members to keep us updated with issues and opportunities via phone, video-conferencing and email.

GPSA currently has three membership types. Once you have completed your activation for our new community platform, we will automatically assign you to the correct type with reference to the member definitions in the Constitution of GPTA Ltd trading as General Practice Supervision Australia (GPSA). All memberships are free.


Eligibility: (a) is an active Supervisor or a Practice Manager in a practice committed to the facilitation of the supervision of prevocational doctors, medical students and GP / RG Registrars, especially within the AGPT program and its successor programs; and (b) is in agreement with the objects of GPTA.


Eligibility: (a) Is, desires to be, or has been involved in GP training in any capacity; and (b) is in agreement with the objects of GPTA.


Are you involved in the General Practice sector but qualify for neither an ordinary nor an honorary membership? You might be a training provider, a university or College employee, a researcher, represent the medical media, work in an organisation that supports General Practice, or in a government setting. To receive our monthly e-newsletters and keep informed about upcoming webinars, please click on the button below to become a Stakeholder Members.

Click here to join GPSA and create your Community account, gaining access to 1000+ free and open-access resources, best practice online education accredited for CPD by RACGP, practice / registrar employment tools, and so much more. All at no cost to you.



Date reviewed: 13 February 2025

Please note that while reasonable care is taken to provide accurate information at the time of creation, we frequently update content and links as needed. If you identify any inconsistencies or broken links, please let us know by email.

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