ensure you have your Director ID at hand – if you don’t have one already, please enter “TBC” in the relevant field to indicate you will pursue this in the legally required timeframe should your nomination be successful
fill in the details requested in the Agreement to Nomination for Election as Responsible Entity of GPTA
GPTA Ltd Director Nominee Declaration
click in the checkbox against each declaration item
enter the details for any interests such as paid College or WPP roles
if the interests section does not provide sufficent room for your purposes, please email Carla with any additional interests to be noted
sign and date the Declaration as indicated
Nomination Form
recruit 2 other members of GPSA to act as Proposer and Seconder for your nomination
please download the linked form, complete it and have it signed before either scanning and emailing it back to ceo@gpsa.org.au or mailing it to the GPSA postal address provided on the form
Email Carla the following before 5pm AEDT on Thursday 31st October 2024
A) Answers to 3 specific questions
What is motivating you to nominate as a member of the GPTA Ltd Board?
What specific skills and experience would you draw on to support the GPSA Community?
What role can you see yourself playing in the governance of GPTA Ltd as a membership organisation and national peak?
This is for a recorded online interview with GPTA Ltd CEO and Company Secretary, Carla Taylor, which will be edited into a brief video designed to help voting members learn more about who they will be electing at this year’s AGM.
While we will endeavour to provide sufficient reminders and prompts throughout this process, the onus lies with the member to fully complete the outlined steps and to ensure your contact details are up to date in our records.
The AGM of GPTA Ltd ABN 75 108 932 574
A Company Limited by Guarantee not having a Share Capital, registered with the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission as a Health Promotion Charity – principal activity to promote the prevention or control of diseases in human beings.
Thursday 28th November 2024 via Zoom at:
7.30pm AEDT (ACT, NSW, TAS, VIC) 7.00pm ACDT (SA) 6.30pm AEST (QLD) 6.00pm ACST (NT) 4.30pm AWST (WA)
To participate in this year’s AGM and/or nominate for our Board of Directors, you need to first activate your free GPSA Community account and update your profile: all of which can be done via our handy new GPSA Community mobile app.
Need help? Our team is here to guide you every step of the way. Contact us today.
Date reviewed: 06 November 2024
Please note that while reasonable care is taken to provide accurate information at the time of creation, we frequently update content and links as needed. If you identify any inconsistencies or broken links, please let us know by email.