The General Practice Supervisory Relationship Measure (GP-SRM) is designed to measure the quality of the relationship between general practice supervisors and registrars. It measures the supervisory relationship from the supervisor’s perspective and is completed by the supervisor in regard to an individual registrar. The GP-SRMS was developed for use in the Australian general practice sector.
The GP-SRMS provides a measure of:
• Safe base – the extent to which the supervisory relationship is enthusiastic, open, and collaborative.
• Supervisor investment – the efforts of the supervisor to support the registrar through resources, preparation, and being interested and invested in the registrar’s development.
• Registrar professionalism – perceptions of how competent, responsible, organised, and committed a registrar is.
Using the results effectively:
• Remember that scores reflect the supervisor’s perception of the relationship.
• Invite the registrar to share their perception of the relationship.
• Supervisors who are prepared to listen, validate the perceptions of a registrar, and accept criticism will build more effective alliances.
• Treat a problem as something which can be resolved together, rather than being the sole responsibility of the supervisor or registrar.
• Scale scores are more reliable than individual items.
A set of interim guidelines have been designed to provide GP supervisors with sufficient information to begin using the GP-SRM in clinical practice with registrars. It is important to note that these guidelines have been developed based on principles of effective supervision drawn from psychological practice, and research into how best to use the instrument in the general medical context is ongoing. Similarly, caution is advised when considering the distribution of scale scores, which is based on a validation sample rather than a representative sample of supervisors reporting on registrars. Download the Interim Guidelines HERE.
To download and use the General Practice Supervisory Relationship Measure (Supervisors) click the button below
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