Registrar Remuneration

Registrar Training TermMin. Hourly Rate 2025.1Min. Weekly Rate 2025.1
(based on 1.0 FTE)
Min. Fortnightly Salary 2025.1
(based on 1.0 FTE)
Min. Monthly Salary 2025.1
(based on 1.0 FTE)
Term 1$46.46$1,765.48$3,530.96$7,650.41
Term 2$53.97$2,050.86$4,101.72$8,887.06
Term 3+$57.64$2,190.32$4,380.64$9,491.39

The minimum percentage of billings or receipts for GP registrars is 44.79%, plus 11.5% superannuation.

From 2025, practices must calculate and pay any income from billings / receipts due to the regitsrar at or above this minimum percentage rate no less frequently than once each month.

Create / log into your free Community account and click here for the downloadable Registrar Earnings Calculator for 2025.1

Click here for a wide range of answers to the questions we most commonly encounter in our role as an independent support for employers of AGPT registrars.

Click here for key pointers on avoiding common pitfalls in registrar remuneration.

Date reviewed: 05 March 2025

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