Employment (and Practice Support) Pages

Click on title to access page
Bullying and Harassment
Common Payroll Mistakes
Employment Contract Templates
Fatigue management – a worker’s guide FAQ
General Practice Clinical Learning Environment (GPCLE)
Helping registrars shine – assessing and managing registrars with performance issues to work well FAQ
Identifying and supporting GP supervisors in difficulty FAQ
Life hacks and self care FAQ
Managing Medicare billing FAQ
Managing the stress and mental health of GP registrars FAQ
Managing underperforming GP registrars FAQ
Medicare compliance FAQ
Medicare Provider Numbers
Medicare Provider Number FAQ
Medicare Provider Numbers Post Fellowship FAQ
National Terms & Conditions for Employment of Registrars (NTCER)
Navigating Services Australia for Practice / Supervisor Payments FAQ
On-call myths
Practice Manager Tips
Preparing the Practice Manager for GP Training from 1 February 2023 FAQ
Registrar earnings calculator (download)
Registrar Employment FAQs
Registrar examinations
Registrar Remuneration
Resource Library
Subsidies and Allowances
Supervising International Medical Students FAQ
Supervisor tricks: getting the best out of GPSA educational resources FAQ
Teaching professionalism in general practice FAQ
Training support payments for supervisors and practices FAQ
Teaching your registrar about LGBTQIA+ Inclusive Care FAQ
Updating Registrar Employment for 2023-25: FAQs
Updating the NTCER Agreement for 2023-25: FAQs
Why You Should Join GPSA

Date reviewed: 20 April 2023

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