Practice Manager Tips

Margaret is a practice manager who works at a busy urban practice in Brisbane. She carefully manages the schedules of GP supervisors and new GP registrars to make sure that each has enough time for learning, teaching and seeing patients. Below are her tips for helping the GP supervisor and GP registrar’s days run smoothly during the GP registrar’s first week in a new practice.

1. Schedule time for the GP supervisor to spend with the GP registrar.

Block out the GP supervisor’s morning on the GP registrar‘s first day of work. This gives the GP supervisor a chance to go through the practice software system and make sure the GP registrar knows how to use it.

2. Schedule time with the practice nurses.

Block out time in the morning to spend with the nurses so the GP registrar can become familiar with the treatment room. It also helps the GP registrar get to know more of the team and how things work.

3. Schedule first patients for GP registrar to see with the GP supervisor.

Towards the end of the morning, book a few ‘on the day‘ patients for the GP supervisor. The GP registrar can sit in on the consultation and add notes on the computer.

4. Schedule first patients for GP registrar to see alone.

Towards the end of the morning, book a few ‘on the day‘ patients for the GP supervisor. The GP registrar can sit in on the consultation and add notes on the computer.

5. Arrange time for de-brief with the GP supervisor.

At the end of the day, it helps if the GP registrar has a meeting, even informal, with the GP supervisor to talk about how the day went and to ask any questions or raise concerns.

6. Gradually build up patient bookings.

On the second day and if the GP registrar is feeling comfortable, you may want to book two patients and then a space and so on. Ask the GP registrar how many free slots they think they‘ll need per hour and adjust during the week as the GP registrar progresses. It‘s important not to put too much pressure on them and make sure they are seeing a comfortable amount of patients.

Date reviewed: 17 April 2023

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