Dr Nicole Higgins | Immediate former Chair



After serving as GPSA Chair for 2 years, on Monday 12th September 2022, Nicole was announced as the President-elect for RACGP.

Nicole is a GP supervisor from Mackay in North Queensland and believes supervisors are the cornerstone of GP education.

Currently a medical educator for RVTS (previously Tropical Medical Training for Supervisor Education and Support), Nicole has been a GP supervisor for 13 years. She was TMT’s 2014 Supervisor of the Year in recognition of her passion for mentoring future GPs.

Nicole is a board member of the Queensland Faculty of RACGP and well-known to GPSA members as a webinar presenter and co-developer of the in-practice teaching resources freely available from the GPSA website.

Nicole likes to explore innovation through collaboration in medical education and digital technologies through #FOAMEd (Free Open Access Meducation).