Dr Columbine Mullins | Director



Columbine is a GP based in Hobart Tasmania and achieved her Fellowship into RACGP in 2012.

Since this time Columbine has enjoyed multiple roles, including as a GP supervisor and medical educator. Columbine has been running her own practice for 2 years and is pleased to have 2 registrars with her now. She has found it a most rewarding experience both teaching the registrars and learning from the registrars. Columbine has found the resources and support from GPSA to be invaluable.

Columbine is currently also involved in a pilot project providing after hours care and clinics to homeless and displaced people in Southern Tasmania and she is part of the Future Leaders program being run by RACGP.

Columbine was awarded the RACGP Tasmanian GP of the year in June 2018.