
Make sure that your practice and your people are registrar ready.u00a0 Take the time to check if you have everything in place to make the placement the best possible experience for the registrar and for the practice.



  • Does everyone know what a registrar is?u00a0
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  • Do they know what their part in the training placement will be?u00a0
  • nn
  • Do you have commitment from all the people that you will need to support and train the registrar? u00a0u00a0
  • nn
  • Do you know where to go for help?
  • nn
  • Are the consulting rooms the registrar will work out of fully stocked with all the necessary medical and office supplies and equipment? If the printer doesnu2019t work properly in the room that you are thinking of allocating to the registrar, now might be time to shop for a replacement.
  • nn
  • Do you have enough blood pressure machines, dermatoscopes and other equipment in the practice to accommodate another doctor? If you have four consulting rooms and only one BP machine this is not going to make the registrar, or any other new doctoru2019s, life easier.
  • nn
  • Is everything clean, tidy, labelled? Your existing doctors might know that the flu vax are kept in the small vaccine fridge at the back of the treatment room but the registrar can waste a lot of time trying to track things down.
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  • Have you factored in the additional human resources you will need?u00a0 It takes time to organise the practice, the placement process and the paperwork. Ongoing, you need to have dedicated time for pastoral care, for reporting, for teaching.u00a0 Will you do it all yourself or can you delegate to someone else?u00a0 What training will that person need?
  • nn
  • Do you have the patient cohort to keep the registrar busy but not too busy? If not, what steps do you need to take?u00a0 Do you have a marketing strategy?
  • n

Date reviewed: 24 July 2024

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