Sponsoring the GPSA Community

Why Sponsor GPSA?


10,000 Members across
GP training sector


126,000 visits to
Website in past year


150,000+ resources
downloaded in past year

  • GPSA is a unique organisation – a healthcare sector conduit that focuses on exceptional outcomes for professionals whose work supervising and employing trainee general practitioners (GPs) and rural generalists (RGs) is essential to the continuation of primary healthcare across the country.
  • As the national representative or “peak” body for GP training, we campaign for respect and recognition of high quality supervision in the GP clinical environment through open and accountable advocacy.

Relevant & Accessible

  • We have a repository of 1000+ free and best practice resources that are essential tools in steering GP / RG trainees through the often-uncertain terrain of general practice. From administrative issues such as managing MBS item numbers, to managing registrars with performance issues and planning their learning, our comprehensive suite of resources offers support and direction for practice owners, practice managers, and supervisors at any stage of their supervision career.

  • We regularly consult with Commonwealth and State/Territory governments, as well as other significant bodies in the sector. Last year, GPSA advocated on a range of topical issues affecting GP supervision, to influence key policy and decision makers for the benefit of training practice owners, supervisors and GP / RG training in general. Through our stakeholder engagement, GPSA has become a trusted advocate on a range of issues, providing effective and considered submissions across several policy and advocacy platforms.

Innovative & Scalable

  • Our extensive range of resources includes checklists, teaching plans, guides, FAQs, podcasts, webinars and flashcards; but we are now expanding from these static resources to online course delivery, as well as developing a mobile app due to go live by July 2023, allowing for substantial promotion at the RMA and WONCA international conferences in October this year. This simple but unique tool will single-handedly expand GPSA’s impact and reach across the English-speaking world.

  • GPSA is committed to evidence-based practice through research, innovation and continuous review. Our research agenda is nimble and responsive to the priorities of our members and the GP training sector, enabling us to pivot our focus across evidence-based advocacy, policy, education and a broad range of resources as the environmental context changes. Alongside our members, we also partner with universities, sector stakeholders and policy makers to expand our work in the GP/RG training space.
While the rest of the sector directs its attention to increasing the number of participants in general practice (GP) / rural generalist (RG) training, General Practice Supervision Australia (GPSA) has as its key point of difference a focus on driving quality in the general practice clinical learning environment – providing education through the lens of “how to teach” while those charged with delivering training attend more specifically to the “what to teach”.
Our quality mantra is fuelled by the evidence-backed perspective that supporting the individuals and businesses at the end of the training spectrum will assist in both increasing the attractiveness of the profession and reducing learner attrition through undesirable training experiences.
GPSA is the enabler of quality in-practice training for tomorrow’s GPs and rural generalists (RGs), supporting supervisors, practice managers and training practice owners across Australia. We do this through the development of best practice educational and HR resources, by advocating on our members’ behalf, and undertaking research to drive improvements and shape policy directions.
Our membership is constantly growing, and now extends beyond its original remit of registrars under the Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program to medical students and prevocational learners. Our current reach is more than 10,000 participants in GP / RG training across the country, as evidenced by the recipients of our monthly e-newsletters.

How can GPSA benefit your organisational goals?

We acknowledge that a set sponsorship package may not suit everyone’s needs. Accordingly, we can create a tailored bundle to support the achievement of our mutual goals.
To maximise your sponsorship exposure, we are able to leverage our audiences through one or more of the following depending on your budget:

Community Platform

Sponsor content distributed to members via Community platform

Member Offers

Promote offers to our members through GPSA’s various communications channels

Feature Articles

Feature article / interview in our monthly newsletter and on Community platform

Social Media

Cross-promotion on social media through sponsor spotlights

Brand Recognition

Recognition as a sponsor on GPSA website, conference collateral and  annual report

Webinars & Resources

Partner with us on webinars – logo on presentation and associated material

Contact us today

Contact Carla today at ceo@gpsa.org.au to discuss see how we can tailor a sponsorship package to achieve your goals.

Thank you for valuing the work GPSA does – we look forward to working with you.

Date reviewed: 12 September 2023

Please note that while reasonable care is taken to provide accurate information at the time of creation, we frequently update content and links as needed. If you identify any inconsistencies or broken links, please let us know by email.
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