Help build a clinical training framework

A best practice clinical learning framework is being developed specifically for general practice. Rather than having a quality framework imposed on GP supervisors we would like to inform government, colleges and RTOs what GP Supervisors consider to be the winning recipe for a best practice learning environment for General Practice. To do this we need your views.

The aim is to provide a useful-self-reflective approach to training, as well as guiding practices in recognising factors that have the most potential for improving learning quality at the general practice level.

To assist in the development process, GPSA is looking for supervisors to review the first draft of the document and provide feedback on what they think is important in the clinical learning environment.

The new framework will be based on one that is already in use in hospitals, but adapted to the general practice context.



The six elements of the framework being consulted on are:

Anyone interested in participating in the project should contact Dr Helen Hickson at


Date reviewed: 20 December 2019

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