
GP Supervision Australia has developed a series of guides aimed at helping GP supervisors in various aspects of their work and training. Stay up to date on their release through GPSA member communications. Become a GPSA member here.

Practice Manager Guide to Vocational Training Placements

GPSA invites member input into the development of this draft guide so that the final, co-designed product can be a true example of best practice supports for the practice managers facilitating high quality vocational training placements in general practice.


This guide has been developed to support the GP supervisor to help their registrar plan their study.


Helping Your Registrar Plan Their Learning in General Practice

This guide has been developed to support the GP supervisor to help their registrar plan their learning. It should be read in conjunction with the GPSA ‘Practice-based Teaching in General Practice’ guide.

LGBTQIA+ Health and Inclusive Healthcare in General Practice An Introduction to Teaching and Learning

This guide aims to support GP supervisors in their teaching and supervision of registrars who are providing medical services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and non-binary, queer, intersex, asexual and other (LGBTQIA+) patients in general practice.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health in General Practice

This guide sets out how GP Supervisors can strengthen teaching and learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.


The New Supervisor Guide to Best Practice Supervision in General Practice

This guide will help you start or expand on your role as a GP Supervisor, whether you are a new Fellow or an experienced GP supervisor.

Practice-based Teaching in General Practice

This guide fills the need for a comprehensive resource for GP supervisors to guide the formal aspects of their supervision. The focus of this guide is on the dedicated, quarantined, structured form of practice based teaching.

Supervising the International Medical Graduate (IMG) GP Registrar

This guide fills the need for a comprehensive resource for GP supervisors to support IMGs training in their practices.


This guide explains the importance of quality feedback and how to incorporate this into training your GP registrar. It is intended to help you implement strategies that will make providing feedback a meaningful and constructive experience for you both.

Random Case Analysis in General Practice

This guide provides GP supervisors with an explanation of how to incorporate case based discussion tools into their supervision toolkit; that of random case analysis (RCA).

Bullying and Harassment: Pursuing Zero Tolerance in General Practice

This guide explains how to recognise and manage bullying and harassment behaviour, fostering a healthy work culture which benefits staff and patient care. Use this as a tearoom, team building and induction resource to complement your other educational activities

Identifying and Supporting GP Registrars at Risk

This guide aims to assist general practice GP supervisors to appreciate some of the potential causes of difficulty for GP registrars, address these issues with the GP registrar and develop appropriate supports to assist improvement.

Identifying and Supporting GP Supervisors in Difficulty

This guide aims to assist GP supervisors identify GP registrars in difficulty early and provide appropriate intervention and support.

Managing Uncertainty in General Practice

This guide aims to support GP supervisors to identify, assess, and facilitate development of skills in managing uncertainty.

Teaching clinical reasoning

This guide aims to support GP supervisors to assess, and facilitate development of, their GP registrar’s clinical reasoning skills in the general practice setting. In particular, this guide will focus on diagnostic clinical reasoning.

teaching professionalism

This guide aims to support supervisors to identify, assess, and facilitate development of skills in professional and ethical practice of their registrars. It covers a range of practical strategies for supervisors to use in teaching professionalism in the general practice setting.

Team Leadership in General Practice

This guide prepares the GP supervisor for responding to near-misses and providing excellent clinical leadership, to creating a vision, mission and values for your practice.

Rational Prescribing

This guide aims to support GP supervisors to identify, assess, and facilitate development of skills in rational prescribing. In particular, it covers a range of practical strategies for supervisors to use for teaching and learning rational prescribing in the practice setting.

Supervision in After-Hours Environments

Changes in after-hours service provision has affected GP Supervisors from multiple perspectives. This guide seeks to explore and address the issues identified for both doctors working in afterhours environments and their GP Supervisors. Two page overview.

Vertical and Horizontal Learning Integration in General Practice

This guide gives you the tools on how to get started, practical examples of opportunities to incorporate integrated learning into your practice.

Date reviewed: 30 May 2024

Please note that while reasonable care is taken to provide accurate information at the time of creation, we frequently update content and links as needed. If you identify any inconsistencies or broken links, please let us know by email.
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