Terms of Use

This terms of use policy is in addition to the GP Supervision Australia privacy policy. As a member of the GP Supervision Australia private community you may express your views, comments, ideas, insights, and criticisms about the business of GP supervision. 

At the same time, you should show courtesy and respect to others and must not use the group to abuse others, expose others to offensive or inappropriate content, or for any unlawful purpose.

Please be aware that GP Supervision Australia may change this policy at any time.

As a member of the GP Supervision Australia private community, please ensure that you:

While GP Supervision Australia does not wish to stifle conversation in the community, comments and messages in the GP Supervision Australia community are ‘post-moderated’. GP Supervision Australia reserves the right to moderate comments and may remove any comments that, in GP Supervision Australia’s opinion, are inappropriate.

If you have any questions about this policy, please email ceo@gpsa.org.au.