Chair’s Report November 2021

Nicole Higgins GPTT Staff
Pictured at GP Training Tasmania (GPTT) are Joanne Folder, Dr Nicole Higgins (GPSA Chair)and Sarah Roberts.

Supervisors recognised with new payment model

GPSA has been successful in advocating on behalf of our members for improved Nationally Consistent Payments to Supervisors and Practices at a time when the funding pot is shrinking. This recognises that supervisors haven’t had a pay rise in nearly 20 years.

In October I attended the final workshop on Nationally Consistent Payments with the Department of Health and stakeholders. GPSA’s position is that no supervisor or training practice should be worse off after transition and equal work deserves equal pay. We have had payments elevated to the highest in the country for all. For most supervisors and practices this will be a considerable improvement as there was considerable variability across RTO’s. We thank the department and sector for acknowledging the central role that supervisors play in GP training. The document is currently going through departmental approval and we will send this out to you as soon as it hits our desk.

The other win was payment and support for Supervisor Professional Development as this wasn’t included originally. The department has allocated funds to the colleges for Supervisor professional development.

In the last few weeks, I have met face to face with NTGPE, GPTT and GPTQ and local supervisors. The colleges have reassured GPSA that the transition will be smooth for registrars and training practices and will continue to be regionally delivered. RACGP has consulted with GPSA on its draft RACGP (PLT) Profession Led Training Plan which we have endorsed. There is not a great deal of change from what we already do now. We will all know a bit more at the end of this month when the grant opportunities go out to the colleges. Curiously, we have recently heard that the Universities may also be delivering training due to their pipeline model and end to end training so watch this space.

GPSA has commenced working with GPRA to negotiate the NTCER. Both organisations are taking an integrative negotiation position and collaborative approach to get the best outcome for all. The maturing of the relationship with GPRA and GPSA ensures a strong position for both organisations to advocate for their membership whilst working together to get the best outcomes for trainees and supervisors in GP training.

GPSA held its AGM – highlights of our year include;

  • Membership grew 8%
  • 41% of supervisors are women
  • 3500 training practices represented by GPSA
  • Resources downloaded > 100,000 times
  • Total membership 8343 – 5952 supervisors, 2391 hornorary which include Practice Managers, registrars as future supervisors and stakeholders.

Download 2020/21 Annual Report.

Yours in Training,

Dr Nicole Higgins

Date reviewed: 20 July 2022

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