
The NTCER has been developed in negotiation with the GPSA and the GPRA and is regularly reviewed. Further terms and conditions may be negotiated to ensure it stays fair for both the registrar and the practice.

  • It is an agreement with the minimum employment terms and conditions for GP registrars, similar in ways to the awards such as Health Professionals and Support Services Award 2020 but is not a registered award.
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  • The NTCER has been developed in accordance with FairWork and the National Employment Standards (NES) and also the training program requirements and as such provides the framework for training practices.
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  • Practices can offer terms and conditions that are higher than those offered in the NTCER, for example percentage of billings, but they cannot offer less and they must consider these conditions in relation to the NES.u00a0
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  • Minimum base pay rates for registrars are included in the NTCER as are working hours, education and supervision, leave and areas such as OH&S, employment termination and employer obligations.
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Date reviewed: 24 July 2024

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