12 months of professional development

19/06/2024Training in poorly resourced environmentsvideopodcast
4/06/2024"How can GP supervisors better facilitate reflective practice in their registrars?"videopodcast
7/05/2024Managing Uncertaintyvideopodcast
2/05/2024Problem case discussion - as easy as PQRSTvideopodcast
18/04/2024The (not so) simple consultationvideopodcast
25/03/2024Helping your registrar manage challenging patients - part 2videopodcast
18/03/2024Helping your registrar manage challenging patients - part 1videopodcast
5/03/2024Supporting Your Registrar To Practice Evidence Based Medicinevideopodcast
14/02/2024Helping Your Registrar Manage Their First Weeks in General Practicevideopodcast
7/02/2024Clinical supervision in 2024 - keeping your registrar safe and supportedvideopodcast
6/02/2024How ACRRM is working for you in 2024videopodcast
1/02/2024Alone: General Practicevideopodcast
5/12/2023The ABC of SEM: exploring the Single Employer Modelvideopodcast
28/11/2023What's new for RACGP supervisors in 2024videopodcast
21/11/2023Communication and feedback in GP training – a cultural lensvideopodcast
2/11/2023Remote supervision – better access to care for rural and remote communitiesvideopodcast
17/10/2023Bridging the Gap between Assessment and Practicevideopodcast
11/10/2023Culturally Safe GP Registrar Supervision – Decolonisation and a Strengths-based Approachvideopodcast
3/10/2023Making the most of GPSA educational resourcesvideopodcast
14/09/2023Working Through the Facts about Workforce Planning & Prioritisationvideopodcast
5/09/2023‘Rhyme or Reason’ – A Guided Tour of the Hidden Kingdom of Clinical reasoningvideopodcast
30/08/2023Dementia Demystified: A Model for the Practice Team to Learn Together - part 2videopodcast
15/08/2023‘It’s as easy as PQRST’ – effective case discussion in GP trainingvideopodcast
1/08/2023Studying smarter, not harder effective study skills for general practice trainingvideopodcast
26/07/2023Dementia Demystified: A Model for the Practice Team to Learn Togethervideopodcast
17/07/2023Supporting registrars on trauma informed care – a practice centered approach for supervisors, practice managers and practice nursesvideopodcast
13/07/2023ACRRM Flexible Funding Updatevideopodcast
1/08/2023Child AbuseViewTeaching PlanRevised
26/06/2024How can GP supervisors better facilitate reflective practice in their registrars?ViewFAQNew
26/03/2024Medical Student Supervision - The Prevocational Supervisors Toolbox GuideViewGuideNew
23/05/2024Study SkillsViewFAQNew
23/03/2024External Clinical Teaching VisitsViewGuideNew
22/05/2024Practice Manager Guide to Vocational Training PlacementsViewGuideNew
20/05/2024Medicare Compliance FAQViewFAQRevised
20/03/2024Supporting the New GPT1 RegistrarViewGuideNew
08/04/2024Medicare BillingViewFAQRevised
06/05/2024Consultation Board GameViewBoard GameNew
1/05/2024Allergic RhinitisViewTeaching PlanRevised
1/05/2024Irritable Bowel SyndromeViewTeaching PlanRevised
1/05/2024Rational Test OrderingViewTeaching PlanRevised
1/03/2024Giving Effective Feedback in General Practice TrainingViewGuideRevised
1/03/2024How to do Direct ObservationViewHow to guideNew
1/03/2024How to Give Effective FeedbackViewHow to guideNew
1/03/2024How to Assess and Teach Clinical ReasoningViewHow to guideNew
1/03/2024How to do Problem Case DiscussionViewHow to guideNew
1/03/2024How to do Random Case AnalysisViewHow to guideNew
1/02/2024Pre Placement Checklist - Before the Registrar StartsViewChecklistRevised
02/01/2024Consultation Skills ToolboxViewToolboxRevised
02/01/2024Teaching and Learning ToolboxViewToolboxRevised
1/12/2023Supervising the International Medical Graduate (IMG) GP registrarViewGuideRevised
1/10/2023Acute monoarthritisViewTeaching PlanRevised
1/10/2023GoutViewTeaching PlanRevised
1/10/2023Knee PainViewTeaching PlanRevised
1/10/2023OsteoarthritisViewTeaching PlanRevised
1/10/2023PolyarthritisViewTeaching PlanRevised
1/09/2023Dementia Stage 3 Advanced care - ManagingViewFAQRevised
1/09/2023Screening, diagnosis and assessment of type 2 diabetes mellitusViewTeaching PlanRevised
1/09/2023Management of type 2 diabetes mellitusViewTeaching PlanRevised
1/09/2023Teaching the diagnosis of dementiaViewTeaching PlanRevised
1/08/2023Dementia DiagnosisViewTeaching PlanRevised
1/08/2023Intimate Partner ViolenceViewTeaching PlanRevised

Date reviewed: 07 November 2024

Please note that while reasonable care is taken to provide accurate information at the time of creation, we frequently update content and links as needed. If you identify any inconsistencies or broken links, please let us know by email.
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